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Experienced SAM Coaches Share End of Year Rubric Tips

Tip 1: Use NoteTrack and a template to prepare answers in advance

Kent Schnurbush offers this advice:

  • I copy this word document (template) into NoteTrack for each of my reviews. - Download Kent's template HERE.

  • Included in the template is the link to the printable EOY Review, which I use as a guide when I am completing the template. 

  • I then fill in the information for upcoming reviews as my time allows throughout the day.

  • As I finish a review, and submit, I begin recording the demographic data for the next scheduled review from my NoteTrack entry for that event on my TT

  • Before the upcoming review I want to have all of the data transferred from the two data screens into the corresponding questions on the template

  • I also search out the other information needed, ie. start date with TimeTrack, number of coaching sessions etc.

  • As I am documenting the hours and percentages for "seeing" and "feedback" event, I will make a note in the related comment sections if I want to be certain with some of my clients to consider the same information for planning and PD events (which are the heart of Instructional Coaches work), just so I don't forget to celebrate those numbers when we are dealing with that section of the review

  • Finally, I am finding that with some of my reviews I am following up with an email, and copying information from NoteTrack to help me in formulating the email.  For example, reviewing the numbers of hours and percentages from the data report that I've pulled to be included in the electronic EOY submission.

Tip 2: Split your screen to avoid switching between windows. (Dave Sechler)

To avoid toggling back and forth between windows, I split my screen:

  • 2/3 for the TimeTrack of the team I’m working with 

  • 1/3 for the online survey page

Tip 3: Copy/Paste the EXACT information from TimeTrack (Dave Sechler)

When I need information that needs to be entered exactly as it is in TimeTrack, I open the Profile Sheet, highlight and then copy (Ctrl C) the information I need, and then paste it into the space on the survey.

Tip 4: Highlight the report information (Dave Sechler)

When I need information from Reports, I highlight the row I need. This makes the numbers I need stand out from the rest of the numbers in the table. Hours are in the left column, percents on the right.


For the Feedback section I just highlight the Feedback: Non-Directive row. When I’m done entering that information I have Feedback: Directive just below my highlighted row and Feedback: Celebration just above it.

Tip 5: Use Zoom's chat feature (Dave Sechler)

One of my teams was working the final Comments section and the principal was commenting far faster than I could transcribe her words. I kept asking her to slow down and then to verify that I had caught what she had said. After I did this a few times she said, “I’ll just write it in the Chat.” She did and then I copied her words from the Chat and pasted them into the proper place on the survey.

Tip 6: VERIFY your submission 

When you submit a rubric report, you will receive email confirmation that the information was successfully received.  If you DO NOT receive this email, contact Jim ASAP to make sure it was entered correctly. 

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