This week’s tip: Use your 366th day.
I hope your New Year is off to a great start!
2024 gives us the gift of an extra day. This year we have 366 days instead of 365. What will you do with your extra day?
We always say we want more time. This year, your wish is granted.
We’ve included, below, a list of dates/holidays you might want to add to your TimeTrack. Many TimeTrack users do this every January by entering all the dates in their public notes section.
So, what will you do with your extra day? Are there things you can do now to make all your days better? Here’s three ideas:
Continue scheduling each day in the GREEN. It is all about intentionality. You’ve done a great job the first half of the school year. Keep it in the GREEN.
Enjoy your SAM Daily Meeting
Slow Down. Research shows many leaders speak too fast when working with staff, students and parents. To fix this:
Instead of responding with a statement, ask three questions first.
Pause. Silence is powerful. Count silently to five before responding.
Can you tell me more? This simple question invites people to share and gives you time to really understand their issue.
Assume a good intent…even when you have to suspend your disbelief.
2024 Dates to add on your TimeTrack
Monday, Jan. 1: New Year's Day
Monday, Jan. 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, Feb. 14: Valentine's Day
Monday: Feb. 19: Presidents' Day
Thursday, Feb. 29: Leap day (Videos released, 17th Annual National SAM Conference)
Sunday, March 17: St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 31: Easter Sunday
Monday, April 1: SAM Team Rubric Assessments Begin
Monday, April 15: Tax Day
Sunday, May 5: Cinco de Mayo
Sunday, May 12: Mother's Day
Friday, May 17: SAM Team Rubric Assessments Due
Monday, May 27: Memorial Day
Friday, June 14: Flag Day
Sunday, June 16: Father's Day
Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth
Thursday: July 4: Independence Day
Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day, Registration opens, 18th Annual National SAM Conference
Monday, Oct. 14: Columbus Day
Thursday, Oct. 31: Halloween
Tuesday, Nov. 5: Election Day
Monday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day
Thursday, Nov. 28: Thanksgiving Day
Tuesday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
Wednesday, Dec. 25: Christmas Day
Tuesday, Dec. 31: New Year's Eve