As May comes to an end it is a great idea to get your TimeTrack ready for summer and a new school year.
Many leaders elect to use TimeTrack all summer long—even days they are not working. Be sure to tell TimeTrack not to “count” your vacation days so the charts and graphs of your work stay accurate. You can do this by “de-clicking” the contact day box at the top of each TimeTrack day. A faster way: click the TimeTrack logo, click SETTINGS and then Contact Days.
Your TimeTrack dashboard will automatically reset July 1 for the new year. Your data for the current and past years will still be available. Click the Dashboard, then the Options button and select Date Range.
Do you have teachers who are changing assignments? Be sure to update the groups and enter new teachers and other staff members, too. Click the TimeTrack logo an select SETTINGS and then Individual/group Set-up.
Now is a great time to enter all of the special school events, holidays and vacations that you have planned for the new school year. Be sure to include the 10th Annual National SAM Conference—January 26-29. Conference registration will open Labor Day. Plan to arrive Wednesday so you can attend the pre-conference all day sessions Thursday. Pre-conference presenters include: Ken Williams, Starting a Movement, Paul Bambrick Santoyo, Leveraged Leadership, Kim Marshall, Rethinking Teacher Evaluation and Supervision and Paul and Willow, Top 20 Teachers. If this intrigues you wait until Labor Day when we will announce the featured keynote speakers.
Never attended a national SAM conference? Take a look at what it is like:
To see keynote sessions from past national
conferences: id=1507