Today’s tip: Time Spent with One Teacher
Take a look at your instructional time data for a person your SAM team believes is not improving.
Then, click the OPTIONS button and select a short time period, like the last six weeks.
Now, look at the chart and click the frequency button, bottom left, and ask these questions:
1. Is the interaction frequent enough to get improvement?
2. Is there a relationship between the four kinds of observation and three kinds of feedback?
3. Who else is trying to help?
4. What haven’t you tried yet?
5. Have you asked the person what would help?
6. What professional development has occurred? Did it help?
TimeTrack is structured to provide a running record of your instructional leadership work. It is most effective when the SAM team uses the charts to be reflective and actively contemplate new approaches to improve teaching practice. Considering your frequency of interaction can help.
A new feature in TimeTrack allows you to set “focus” teachers—teachers you would like to keep close track of your work to assist with their progress. You can do this by going to TimeTrack logo, upper left, select SETTINGs, select Individuals and Groups. You will see a new column to the left of each person’s name. Select the teacher’s you would like, then exit.
Now, when you go to your Dashboard, you will see the word focus on the upper right graph showing all teachers. Clicking this button will immediately show your work with your focus teachers. Cool.
Today’s tip: teach people to use you well.
First: When you are asked for assistance for a management task say YES in a way that teaches people to use you well. “You need more copy paper? No worries. Mrs. Stevens, our First Responder for supplies, can get it for you faster.” Then, try a pivot: “When you are at the office ask her to schedule some time for us to talk about the lesson I observed yesterday.”
Second: “I need just a minute of your time.” Answer: “You are more important than a minute of my time. What is the issue? You need to talk with me about the math standards? Great. See my SAM so we can focus on this issue for more than a minute or two. How about 30 minutes so we can talk this through?”