Today’s tip: Four things to think about today.
Today’s SAMtastic Weekly Tip has four parts:
The NSIP Board of Directors is looking for a practitioner, an active SAM team member, interested in serving on the board. Currently, the Board has six members: President Roberta “Bert” Hendee, Illinois, Nathan Roberts, Louisiana, Dave Sechler, Delaware, Debbie Daniels, Kentucky, Paul Katnik, Missouri and emeritus member Carol Lensing, Iowa. Board members have been involved in governance and delivery of service since 2008. If you are interested in serving on the NSIP board please complete the application at this link, Please submit your application by May 21 to Bert Hendee:
Please take a look at the SAM Team Performance Rubric. Your Time Change Coach will talk with your team about the rubric during the April or May visit. You’ll find the rubric by clicking the TimeTrack logo and selecting info.
As you complete your school budget for 2019-20 be sure to include funding support for you SAM work, including the 12th Annual National SAM Conference, Marco Island. Most schools and districts use Title I, II, general, professional development and discretionary funds to pay for SAM services. Annual SAM service fees for 2019-20 are the same as the current year. The national conference fees will remain the same, too.
HD video of the six 12th Annual National Conference keynotes is now available at Click on SAM Media and select conferences. We’ve included quick-links, below. The HD video is of a very high quality and suitable for use at PLC and staff professional development sessions.
Keynote Sessions
Bold Achievement Method - Bronkar Lee: HD Video
Powerful Task Design - John Antonetti: HD Video
Live Your Excellence Starting Today! - Jimmy Casas: HD Video
Trust Edge - David Horsager: HD Video
Powerful Beyond Measure - Ken Williams: HD Video
What Great Leaders and SAMs Do With New Teachers - Todd Whitaker, Madeline Good, & Katherine Whitaker: HD Video