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  • Writer's pictureJim Mercer

SamTastic Weekly Tip: 4/3/17 - What group have you spent the most time with this year?

What group have you spent the most time with this year? Take a look at your TimeTrack Dashboard. Did you spent the most time with the group you intended?

What “wins” can you identify? Things that improved because of the time you spent with this group.

Have you celebrated the wins? Would the group members identify the same wins?

What didn’t the group accomplish? Do you know why? What would the group members say?

What are you going to try next?

Would you be comfortable asking the group how they would like you to modify the time you spend with them? What do they value most? What don’t the value. It is a scary question to ask.. .but you only move forward by being transparent—let them know you want their help in helping them.. .and that you don’t know all the answers. This is a powerful message.

The SAM process is all about being reflective. It is about a willingness to model what you would like every staff member to do: take the risk of admitting you don’t know everything....that there is more than one way to advance...but that you can all be better by helping each other. Powerful!

Another tip: Take a look at the performance rubric. You will find it by clicking the TimeTrack icon and then Info. Your Time Change Coach will be asking your team this month where you are on the rubric. Take a few minutes and self-assess. The rubric is not a grade—it is a way of looking at the variety of ways you can use the SAM process to improve your work in improving teaching and learning. You are doing great things as a SAM team. Use the rubric to consider your next steps.

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