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  • Writer's pictureJim Mercer

SamTastic Weekly Tip: 8/26/24 - The new TimeTrack expands Connected Events to include automated scheduling,

Happy last Monday in August.

Once school is in session, most leaders make a point to do a lot of walkthroughs, one of the four kinds of seeing instruction.  Good SAMs make a point of asking the leader what follow up they want?  Feedback?  What kind?  SAMs do this as there is little evidence that simply being in a classroom leads to improved teacher practice.

Many SAM teams have used Connected Events to pre-schedule the four parts of a formal evaluation.   The new TimeTrack expands Connected Events to include automated scheduling of a coaching sequenceSeeing Instruction, Preparation and Feedback.  It is easy to use.  Select a group if teachers and a date range you’d like to complete the sequence.  Connected Events then searches for open times in your schedule where it can place each event in sequence.  You can then click and drag events, as needed, to best meet the leader’s needs.

You will find Connected Events in the upper right-hand side of your TimeTrack.  Click and explore.

Online registration opens one week from today, Labor Day.  You can use this link: 

You will find the conference schedule, as well as descriptions of keynote speakers and pre-conference sessions, at these links:


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