Today’s Tip: Think about gratitude.
With the Thanksgiving holiday this week many SAM teams focus on what, and who, they appreciate.
Leaders who show gratitude, the quality of being thankful and a readiness to show appreciation and return kindness, have a super power. Showing gratitude significantly impacts a leader’s ability to improve teaching and learning.
Staff members are thirsty for authentic recognition and appreciation and are far more likely to engage in improved practice when effort is noticed. US Department of Labor statistics show the number one reason a person leave a job is lack of recognition and appreciation.
Many SAM teams regularly show appreciation and do so in a systematic manner. They don’t just say thanks. They connect their appreciation for how the work effects the mission. They tell a First Responder that their effort makes it possible for the principal to spend more time supporting students and teachers. They tell a teacher who has improved that it has a positive impact on students.
Many SAMs create a gratitude culture by asking the leader what they liked during a “seeing instruction” event. Getting the leader to notice what they like is a powerful step toward gratitude.
All of us at NSIP appreciate the work you do each day. No one does work as important, and as challenging, as SAM teams. Your school community, and our country, benefit from the work you do each day. We appreciate, respect and value you.
Please note: The deadline for travel information for the 16th Annual National SAM Conference is December 5. If we don’t have your travel information you may be moved to the wait list. Send travel information to If you have a problem please let her know the exact date you will have the information and she will do her best to work it out with you.
You can still register for the conference but will be placed on a wait list as all 500 rooms have been tentatively assigned. As rooms become available you will be cleared. To register: