Today’s tip: Plan, schedule, meet, reflect, repeat.
How many school days until Christmas vacation or winter break? The days go fast during the holiday season. Planning your days in advance become even more important if you are to make the impact on teaching and learning you desire.
Many SAM teams kick into high gear this time of year. They make sure every day counts and they don’t put off the good work until “after the holidays”. They know that they are leading by example.
They also recognize the importance of having fun. Make sure to schedule time to see the holiday concerts and special events. The observation descriptor, Work with Students, will come in handy. Is there a teacher who could use your help with a coming event?
Some SAM teams make a point to schedule two teaching and modeling activities between now and the break. This keeps the leader focused and helps staff understand the mission and that we are all in this together.
SAM Implementation Specialist and Coach Kent Schnurbusch pointed out this week that many SAM teams have discovered the quick links to charts and graphs showing the work with a single teacher:
“The option for retrieving data from the event scheduling screen is being received very positively. On either the front end of scheduling an event or during reconciliation, the option to access descriptor and/or frequency data related to the staff member being associated with the event facilitates fluid interactions between the SAM and the principal. Without having to leave the event screen, planning with the principal for future interactions, as well as reviewing previous events has been made easy.
As coaches, it is important to point out that with this new software adaptation, usage of NoteTrack comments are also immediately available on the event screen to enrich the dialogue occurring at the SAM Daily Meeting conference table. I am finding increased interest and enthusiasm for using the voice-to-text option, to enter comments related to events appearing within the principal’s TimeTrack.”
Just open an event that is already scheduled and associated with specific teachers. You will see the teacher’s name in blue. Click and you get a series of chart and graphs about this one teacher. Cool.