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  • Writer's pictureJim Mercer

SamTastic Weekly Tip: 11/7/22 - Time To Check Your Focus

Today’s Tip: Time To Check Your Focus

At the start of the year, most SAM teams pick five or six teachers, or other educators, as their FOCUS. This allows the team to get a quick look at how much time there are spending on each and assess whether there is improvements.

Three months have passed so this is a good time to stop and look at the time spent with each Focus Teacher and whether the investment has reaped dividends.

To check, open your DASHBOARD, go to the chart in the upper right, and click on the FOCUS button. This will show you the time spent with each person you identified earlier. You can click on any bar to see a breakout of time spent.

Here are the key questions:

  1. Can you identify positive change of practice that is connected with the time you’ve spend?

    • If yes, does the teacher know? What would you like to do next?

    • If not, what do you need to do? Would it help to ask the teacher?

  2. Are you comfortable with the amount of time you’ve spent with each person? Have you looked at frequency of contact? (click a red bar, then click the button in the upper left, INTERACTIONS. Then, click the Frequency button in the upper right.

  3. Are you ready to select a different set of FOCUS teachers/educators? Go to the orange TimeTrack logo, click Settings, select individual/group set-up. You will see the focus selection options in the first column.

The SAM process continues to grow across the country. Last Thursday/Friday 56 more school leaders in Osceola, Florida completed training and were in the GREEN. Cindy Ramdial-Budhai, Liberty High School, shared her creative way of securing the right SAM:

Please note: The deadline for travel information for the 16th Annual National SAM Conference is December 5. If we don’t have your travel information you may be moved to the wait list. Send travel information to If you have a problem please let her know the exact date you will have the information and she will do her best to work it out with you.

You can still register for the conference but will be placed on a wait list as all 500 rooms have been tentatively assigned. As rooms become available you will be cleared. To register:

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