This week’s tip: Get the RED out!
With the coming Christmas vacation/winter break it is a good time to stop and consider how to get the red out.
Every day should start in the GREEN in your TimeTrack. If the bar at the bottom of the day is RED you should do the following:
1. Check the start time and end time of the day. Sometimes this gets changed and you can’t reach GREEN because TimeTrack thinks you starting hours earlier than you actually are. If the start or end time is wrong simply click on the time bar and correct.
2. Check for events that are showing RED during the day. TimeTrack only counts Green/Yellow/Blue events. If an event is RED, it either conflicts with another event or did at one time. If it doesn’t appear to conflict, simply open the event and click UPDATE.
3. Sometimes you have a conflicting event intentionally. You might have a PLC meeting and a walkthrough scheduled at the same time. Open the event that you are going to do and scroll down to the bottom. Click the tab: Make this Event the Primary. This will give you credit for the work you actually completed.
4. Many times a principal is out of the building on sick leave but the TimeTrack is not updated. This can create a red day when the day should not be counted at all. At the top of each day is a box labeled CONTACT. If it is checked TimeTrack is counted the
day. De-check the day if the principal is not working. This will change it from a RED day that counts against the principal. You can click and drag the events you want to move to a different day.
5. Be sure to De-Check all the vacation days coming up. Christmas shouldn’t be RED. It will be if you don’t de-check the contact day box.
Finally, a Christmas treat for you! Take a look at this short video. Bibb County Superintendent Curtis Jones is in the Nutcracker and you won’t believe the transformation that make-up and costume designers created. Curtis is the National AASA Superintendent of the Year and does the SAM process every day. Curtis clear goes where no superintendent has gone before. Wow!