Some schools are open. Some schools are closed. Some are open in non-traditional ways providing online learning while working to ensure equity.
Be sure to stay in the GREEN if your school is open or providing remote learning. Scheduling your time now is even more important than before. Don’t allow the crisis to keep you from being your very best.
We have a few other items for you today:
Would you like to see which districts are open/closed across the country? Use this Education Week link: interactive map
The University of Louisiana, Lafayette has a cool template to help kids wonder and learn when they must go to school remotely: pA9WjK45ii8zx10RTWprp bb8 gFSvERcmmyr0dKg/edit?fbclid=IwAR3Ln aDJC-Ksq64fPWs9C4AOqBcH SNiYqZ1D-iJ5bibia-Yuzg2w2itUc#slide=id.g7185a09392 12 12
For a free Zoom online meeting account: You can use your account to meet with teachers, parents and students without a fee.
Illinois SAM principal Kristen Ulery, Madison Elementary School, provides drive-thru pick-up of materials, lessons and iPads. Cool!
Many schools that have closed are providing breakfast and lunch at designated pick-up centers. Some districts are having bus drivers deliver meals and instructional materials for students. Also cool.
Some SAM principals are conducting online “happy hours” with small groups of teachers. They talk about how life has changed and their experiences with online delivery of instruction. Very, very cool.
Would you like more to read? More resources? Kim Marshall offers these:
10 Strategies for Leading Online When School Is Closed, by Reshan Richards and Stephen Valentine on Global Online Academy, March 4, 2020 -
Five Tips for Designing Excellent Video Calls, by Emily Hamlin on Global Online Academy, March 13, 2020 -
Coronavirus Has Led to a Rush of Online Teaching, by Jeffrey Young on EdSurge, March 11, 2020 -
Best Practices: Online Pedagogy, from Harvard University,
Resources compiled by Jennifer Gonzalez -