This week’s tip: Try Using NoteTrack for Journaling
Oprah suggests it. Leadership gurus sing its praises. Research consistently shows positive outcomes when a leader does it. What is it? Journaling.
The SAM Process is all about intentionality and reflection. Both occur in the SAM Daily Meeting, work with your Time Change Coach and in TimeTrack data review sessions. Would journaling enhance this reflection?
Some SAM leaders use NoteTrack as a personal journal. Since NoteTrack is private, only the TimeTrack owner can access or create entries, it is an easy and convenient way to journal. A SAM principal in Florida does this as part of her wrapping up event each day. She associates the repeating event with herself so she can easily access all her entries. She does this at the end of the day on her desktop computer before she leaves…or dictates her reflections on her TimeTrack phone app as she drives home. The entry each day causes reflection, She reads through her entries at the end of each week and month to further reflect.
Journaling works especially well if you focus on your own thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This can facilitate alignment with your values and help keep you motivated in a positive, solution-based manner.
