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  • Writer's pictureJim Mercer

SamTastic Weekly Tip: 5/2/22 - Congratulate SAM Principal Heather Buckley.

Today’s Tip: Congratulate SAM Principal Heather Buckley.

Iowa’s Elementary Principal of the year is Heather Buckley, Cardinal ES.

I love my job and have the most amazing team.

This award would not be possible without our SAM program and my talented SAM here at Cardinal. The SAM program has drastically enhanced my principalship. We have some great systems in place that have moved our school in the right direction. Jamie has built quality relationships with our staff and students. With her support, our behavior numbers for office referrals have seen a significant decline. We have had over 750 fewer office referrals over a 5-year span, and my instructional time as a principal has improved by 22% from our first year in the SAM program. I love being able to stay focused on the learning taking place throughout the building and being more available and supportive to our teachers and the work they are doing. There are so many wonderful educators that deserve to be recognized and I feel very humbled and honored by this award. Thank you for all your support to our school and our leadership.

Heather definitely deserves this award and represents all principals in a very positive way. There are not enough awards, however, to adequately thank school leaders this year. Take heart in the fact that each of you, principal and SAM, has made an important difference for many this year. You made a difference and continue to do so every day.

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