This week’s tip: Consider President Biden’s advice.
“Leadership, at its core, in my view, is about being personal. You always put yourself in the other person’s position, and then also to understand where they’re coming from, whether it’s a major foreign leader or a friend who you have a disagreement with. And it’s also being willing to share credit, give recognition, and share in the benefits as well as in the losses if you’re in an endeavor together.” President Joe Biden
Leading successfully requires empathy. It is less about checklists than checking-in. It is more about listening than telling, coaching than evaluating and building capacity than forcing compliance.
As a SAM team you know success, improving teacher practice and student learning, happens with frequent, thoughtful, and kind support. Your TimeTrack gives you the record of your work and the data to drive your creative thinking.
In this time of division in the United States, and puzzling and illogical refusal to accept facts from any source, keep in mind that a successful school leader has a greater goal. It won’t help being right if you can’t connect with people. Instead, accept that as a school leader, you have friends and potential friends. You can’t afford to have enemies. Keep trying to connect. Reaching your goal of improved teaching and learning depends on creating maintaining a positive environment, or culture, in your school and district.
The work you do in your SAM Daily Meeting can make this happen.
All five keynotes and five selected breakout sessions from the 16th Annual, 2023, National SAM Conference are now available in HD video:
