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  • Writer's pictureJim Mercer

SamTastic Weekly Tip: 9/18/23 - Meet the Need. Don’t Take a Message.

This week’s tip: Meet the need. Don’t take a message.

SAMs know that office staff can help the principal have a greater impact on teaching practice, stay on task and go home at a reasonable time ~ if they avoid saying, “Can I take a message?”

Instead, great office staff members use the Communications Protocol and First Responder system. When a caller, visitor, staff member or student says: “Is the principal available?”, they repond by stating when the principal is available by clicking Auto Select on TimeTrack.

“I can get you in to see the principal at 10:00 AM…but she would not want you to wait. The First Responder for your concern is Eve Stevens. Can I have Eve help you and save the time with the principal in case you still need her?”

It is easier, perhaps, to say: “The principal is not available. Can I take a message?” The problem is this delays dealing with the concern, makes the caller, or person at the front counter, feel unimportant, and leaves the principal with a stack of call-back slips that delays the leader departure at the end of the day.

Research shows SAM schools run far smoother than schools that haven’t started the Process. Research also shows SAMs who train the office staff to use the Communications Protocol and First Responder systems have the very best schools, happiest parents, staff and students.

You will find tools for training office staff here:

Your Time Change Coach can help you train your office staff. Just ask!

Two reminders:

1. The National SAM Innovation Project is adding a second SAM process practitioner to the board of directors. The Board added a seat for a current SAM principal several years ago. The new seat will be for a current SAM. This is your invitation to apply. The application form may be downloaded here: Please complete, print, obtain the required signatures, scan and then submit. The application Deadline is September 29, 2023. Submit applications directly to: NSIP Board President Bert Hendee

2. We have secured additional rooms for the 17th Annual National SAM Conference.

In-person training for new SAM Teams this week: Monday: Atlanta, Georgia; Tuesday, Bibb County, Georgia

Executive Summary: SAM team Success:

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