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SamTastic Weekly Tip: 9/9/24 - Do Your Events Connect?

Writer's picture: Jim MercerJim Mercer

Do Your Events Connect?

I bet you are in the GREEN this morning. 

When you have your SAM Daily Meeting, take a few minutes to look at last week.  Can you find connections between instructional events? 

Research is clear.  You have to connect your work to improve teacher practice.  Did you work with students in a class while you watched a teacher’s lesson?  Can you find a feedback session later in the week?  A PD session or time with the teacher in a PLC?

We expect classroom teachers to connect their work with students from day to day to build skills and knowledge.  Doing the same in your work with teachers, and other staff, makes sense for the same reason.

Building relationships is important, too.  A SAM principal in Georgia meets weekly with her five new teachers as a group.  She facilitates a conversation each week without an agenda.  She lets the teachers pick what they’d like to talk about.  It allows her to model the value of reflection and constructive conversation.   When needed, she uses a prompt to get things started.  She works hard to stay non-directive.  At her next SAM Daily Meeting she schedules follow-up with one of more of the new teachers:

  • One of the four kinds of seeing instruction

  • Teaching and modeling

  • Directive or celebratory feedback

  • Attend a grade level/subject area PLC meeting

Connecting the principal’s work requires intentionality.  This Georgia SAM principal has a great SAM who consistently asks how to connect one event with another. 

In-person SAM Training this week:  The Bronx, New York

In-person SAM training next week:  Columbia, Missouri and Columbia, South Carolina

Online registration is open for the 18th Annual National SAM Conference.  This looks to be our best conference, ever, with a great line-up of keynote presenters, pre-conference workshops and breakout sessions.

Use this link to register and follow the prompts. 

Additional conference links:

NSIP Board President Bert Hendee is taking applications for the seat on the Board designated for a SAM principal.  Applications are due September 20.  Use this link to download the application.

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